
Tuesday 20 November 2012

Duelling Paintbrushes 2: Day 20: The Rat Tank.

Day Twenty already. Only ten days to go. And the long awaited rat tank, for which you have waited long is here!

The justly proud warlock engineers of Clan Skitterklaw pose with their crazed creation. Crazily.


The mighty warp stone reactor. Design has changed a bit because I rediscovered my IG tank bits bag...

Even the loathsome rat men and their vile kin must have headlights.

The business end...

As you can see, the 1/35 Vicker Light Tank Mk. VI is almost exactly the same size as a chariot base. it's a touch wider, and the reactor makes it slightly longer, but it's not far off.

Wither Clan Skitterclaw now? Well, yesterday I aquired some fishing bobbers for my fiendish doom flayer plans... and there's still the warplightning cannon (although current thinking calls for a large order from an online bits supplier which might delay it until after DP2 ends). And there's still the screaming bell and 20 clanrats. I might not get the WLC done due to lack of parts, but I'm sure I'll think of something to put in which takes up it's points. More rat ogres or something.

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