Monday, 31 May 2010

Berfenday Compomotition Extension.

I've decided to give a one week extension for Berfenday Compometition entries as I only have one so far. You can certainly build something in a week, and who knows, you might win!
All entries must be emailed to me by the 7th of June to be elligible for he compo.

Saturday, 22 May 2010

Ishoo Twentee poll tied.

As you will no doubt have noticed, the Ishoo Twentee poll is a tie between Landing Pad and Windmill. Which means, just like Ishoo Twelf, we'll do Landing Pad in Ishoo Twentee A and Windmill in Ishoo Twentee B. If we ever end up with a three way tie, then I'll hold a second poll to decide amongst the winners.

And remember, you've only got nine days to enter the compometition. And you stand an excellent chance of winning since entries have been very light so far.

Wednesday, 19 May 2010

In which various terrain making myths are debunked.

Myth Number One: Terrain takes too long to build.
Grot sez: "Terrain is ded kwik to makerate."
Just take a look at the Blog Archieve - there are nineteen ishoos in there at present. That's almost two per month. And I don't put everything I build on this blog. In fact, most projects only take a few days, working two or three hours at most each day. Often projects take a while simply because you are waiting for paint or glue to dry, the actual time spent working is minimal. If you don't believe me, I made all of this in a week. A week when my Parent's where visiting and I could not spend all day working on terrain.

Myth Number Two: Terrain is expensive.
Grot Sez: "Yoo never have to spend money on terrain if yoo do not want to."
Sure, if you insist of buying all of your materials from premium rate model building shops, using plastic and resin kits for terrain and sticking the latest metal miniatures in as statues, terrain will cost.
But it does not have to cost.
Most terrain projects can be built using cheap or free stuff - you'd be amazed at how much great cardboard you throw out. Foam core is not very expensive (aroung $10aud for an A1 sheet) either, nor are most of the other things you need. In fact, I built terrain using nothing but household junk for years, and never paid for anything but my paints and plaster.

Myth Number Three: I don't need terrain.
Grot Sez: "yes yoo do."
So you actually like playing on a bare, flat kitchen table with maybe an old shoebox to break up lines of sight do you?
Get real. Get terrain.

Myth Number Four: Terrain is hard to make!

Grot Sez: "Iz not."
I think we've proved this one already, don't you?

Tuesday, 18 May 2010

Ishoo Ninteen: Warpgates and Berfendays.

Today is Terraing For Hippos' first berfenday! It's also Ishoo Ninteen, which means that despite illness I've managed to get almost two ishoos out per month! So to celebrate (as you all know) we're holding a terrain building contest, which is still open for entries.

On top of that, we'll be looking at the prize for the contest - a Warpgate! It's really very easy to build a warpgate, and they fit in just fine in both fantasy and SF games with a little modification to fit the genre. So here's Grot to explain the process!

And there you have it! With a few basic stylistic alterations it'd also look great in a Sci Fi setting!
And since it's TFH's birthday, here are som special bonuses - new TFH desktop backgrounds.

Well, that's it chaps - don't forget to vote on the ishoo twenty poll and join us next ishoo for a look at basic modular dungeon making!

Friday, 14 May 2010

Ishoo Ateteen: Bell Tower.

Grotsimodo was rather disapointed that there were no bells in Ishoo Sicksteen. So I had to promise him his own bell-centric ishoo. And here it is! How to make Bell Towers, the Grotsimodo way!

And there you have it! The bell used was bought from a craft shop - they tend to be more common around Christmas, but you can usually get them any time of year from a big enough establishment.
Don't miss our First Berfenday Ishoo which comes out on the 18th of May and includes the announcement of the prize for the Berfenday Compometition. Speaking of which, you really should enter. And so should all your friends, relations, and goldfish.
See you then!

Thursday, 13 May 2010

A slight delay...

There's been a slight delay with the publication of Ishoo Ateteen because something has gone wrong with my copy of Illustrator... I'm working on fixing this so Ishoo Ateteen should be online over the weekend.

In the mean time, you really should enter the First Berfenday Compomatition.
The prize will be revealed in Ishoo Ninteen: The Berfenday Ishoo. Which will go live on the 18th of May to coincide with our berfenday. Of course the compomatition is open for entries until the end of the month.

Wednesday, 5 May 2010

Berfenday Compomotition Prizes

I've had a few people ask about the prize for the Berfenday Compomotition.
As mentioned before, it is going to be an item of terrain which features in an Ishoo of TFH. However, it will not be one which is currently online. It'll be the item features in our First Berfenday Ishoo.
This is partially so you win the shiny and significant anniversary piece, but also so I don't end up sending the lucky winner my version of the terrain piece they won with!
It will, I assure you, be appropriately epic. And there might be a few bonuses in there with it.

So, in summary, the prize will remain unknown until it is revealed, and will be very shiny.