Wednesday 6 March 2013

Ishoo Sventy-Six: Toxichem Canal Pumping Tower

At last it is here! Ishoo Sventy-Six, the people's choice ishoo where the people have chosen Toxichem Canals! Of course, on their own, Toxichem canals are pretty simple and boring and over very quickly, so we've knocked things up another notch by going with a Pumping Tower for the canals. Many a man has built an otherwise excellent canal without addressing the problem of where the toxichem comes from. Well, now you know.
But how hard is it to build such a perfidious pollution production plant? Well, let's see what Grot has to say.

 And there you have it! Remember, the more coats of PVA glue you apply, the deeper the toxichem/water effects looks. In this case, I've gone with three coats which gives a good gloss and depth. You cannot really tell from the photos unfortunately.
Stick around for the next ishoo where we tackle that most devilish of dwellings, the Hungry House!

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