Saturday, 24 August 2013

Painting For Hippos Ishoo Ate-Aye: Dwarf King's Hold Orcs.

Welcome once more hippo fans to another ishoo of Painting For Hippos. I recently picked up Dwarf King's Hold from Mantic Games, and it got me to thinking. Many board games come with miniatures these days, and, naturally you want to get the game on the table ASAP. But in the case of something like DKH, which uses Mantic's Kings of War range of miniatures as a source of it's pieces, there's a bit more involved. So over the two parts of Ishoo Ate we'll be looking at what you need to do to get your copy of Dwarf King's Hold: Green Menace onto the table as quickly as you can.
In this ishoo, Grot'll be looking at getting the Orcs ready...

Okay then, that's the orcs ready (obviously, you can paint all eight at once almost as quickly, but two seems to be about the right number for photo purposes.) Next ishoo, we'll tackle the elves and basing... and there will be shots of the completed set!

Don't forget about the annual terrain comp will you? The dead line's just over a month from now!

Sunday, 18 August 2013

Painting For Hippos Ishoo Sven-Bee: Pretty Pictures of Savage Orcs.

Well, to keep the Hoodling and his insane demands for pictures of finished orcs with their bases finished as well happy, here are some pics of finished savage orc boar boys with their bases finished.

Sorry about the flash. I demolished my photo booth when I moved house with the intention of building something better, and it hasn't happened yet. The lighting n the living room where I have the games table is somewhat sub-optimal...

And don't forget to enter the Annual Terrain Compometition!

Monday, 12 August 2013

Painting For Hippos Ishoo Sven: Savage Orcs

Well, it's been a while, but finally it's here - the first ishoo from the new home of Terrain for Hippos! Since moving house I've been busy with other things (like unpacking boxes and trying to find things), but I'v finally gotten some time in at the work bench. Not building terrain. Painting orcs. Savage ones. On very large pigs.
Not just any very angry orcs on very big pigs with very little grasp of metal workings, but ones with what I'm calling 'naturalistic skintone'. See, most people paint orcs with a very full-bodied green. The kind which you probably would not really see as a skin colour on anything natural. Well, this is an attempt at a sort of natural green skin tone. Is it hard to paint natural-ish green skin?
Here's Grot.

And there you have it! It's not very hard, and it doesn't take very long to paint up some angry orcs. Of course, if you have the unbelievable patience, you could base them before taking the photographs.
Hippos have no patience.
Well, we'll be back sometime soonish for Ishoo Atey-For; the long awaited fighting pit. I've got plans for it, it's just not happened yet...

And don't go forgetting to enter the TFH Annual Terrain Compometition! Just under two months left!