I've been busily painting the Kill Tank and Stompa for the last few weeks, and tackling such huge projects led to a bit of burnout. With things so huge, it takes so long to achieve anything visible that you can tend to feel like you're standing still (just applying a coat of yellow to the Stompa body took almost an hour - and it took three coats!). So I decided I needed to tackle a smaller project with more immediate results. And it turn out that despite my promises, I never did do an MFH on making Grot Tanks. So to kill two birds with one stone, here's Grot to build a Grot Tank!
NOTE: Lies! All Lies! I did Grot Tanks in MFH17, ut forgot to tag it so when I went back I didn't find it! Oh well, now we have a second Grot Tank ishoo about a different weapon fit...
And there you have it hippo fans! This is a pretty quick little project - I started this Friday afternoon and it was finished before lunch on Saturday. In the past, I have built one of these from raw materials to completed starting around 1300 and ending about 2200 during the Descent of the Hobbyists on the Hoodling's Hole. Obviously there were food breaks in there, and the odd bit of chat, but it's not hard to build one of these in a day, and it does not require very much material - you can probably get three of these from a single sheet of 1mm plasticard, plus a it more .5mm card, rods, rubes etc.
Anyway, I'll leave Grot Grot and Mek Grot to sort out their differences and get back to the modelling table - I've got an idea for a Skorcha armed Grot Tank banging away at the sides of my head trying to get out...
Indomitable Gnome Fighter: Adventurers Starter Set
Monday night has become a 'painting' night now. I get home, get the dinner
on and paint up some figures. My favourite miniature watches a movie with
1 day ago
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