According to eminent historians (and Greg the Hoodling!) one flank of the Empire's line at the battle of Hel Fenn was anchored by a fortified farm. Not having time to build a fortified farm, we've settled for the next best thing - a set of crumbling old stone walls which can be used to make a courtyard when attached to existing buildings. Also a beacon fire, because you always need a beacon fire.
Is it hard to build crumbling ancient stone walls and beacon fires? Well, borrowing cunning techniques from Annual Terrain Compometition 2011 winner, Terry Mason, it's a job so easy a hippo could do it!
Take it away, Grot!
And there you have it!
The bases are intentionally short so that the walls can be placed on top of the bases of buildings and actually but up against them more effectively. The beacon fire is removable so that warmachines can (inevitably!) be placed on the tower.\
Well, the Battle of Hel Fenn is being held tomorrow, and in honour of the occasion, here's a recreation of the battle. For hippos.

I'd suggest using it as your desktop wallpaper. I certainly am.
There'll be extensive coverage of the game, including a battle report, photos, and possibly even video. Stay tuned to The Hoodling's Hole I guess.
And stick around for next month. It's a theme month. Like most Januaries.
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