You can go and check out the sessions on offer here (towards the bottom of the page)
You can go an book sessions here.
Places in each masterclass are limited to ten rabid patrons (non-rabid patrons may be turned away), and you can sign up on the day, although that costs more, and there may not be enough materials, depending on how much I can cram into Greg's car, while still leaving room for the Cookie Monster and Pete, and (more importantly) a change of clothes.
For those who cannot be bothered clicking links, these are the sessions that will be running:
Saturday Morning: Concrete Bunkers
Saturday Arvo: Corrugated iron slum shacks
Sunday Morning: Timbered cottages
Sunday Early Arvo: Topiary
Sunday Late Arvo: Creepy trees
The Victorian school year starts unusually late in 2015, which means I can run sessions on Monday.Monday Morning: Fantasy Watchtower
Monday Arvo: Steampunk Factory
Thanks to Pete the Scatterlaser for wrangling accomodation and allowing this!
Rousing cheers all round.