Saturday 18 January 2020

Ishoo Wun-Sventeen: Gobbo Big Boss's Hall.

Well, that took longer than expected... there was a problem with getting photos off my phone and then I went to Brickvention.

Anyway, we're back with the second update of the day, this time showing the wonders of the Gobbo Big Boss's Hall. This was built in honour of The Gob Off - a Goblin V. Goblin Warhammer 8th ed narrative campaign involving The Hoodling and The Old Wolf. But mostly because I wanted to do some more of the polystyrene stone carving technique I've been developing for making REALLY tumble-down stone work buildings suitable for Goblins.
Here's Grot!

Well, there we go Hippo Fans! The finest in Squigmarite architecture!